Thursday, 19 June 2014

Stereotyping, married at 18 :P

Yellow!!!! (that is the language colors for Hello!!!) :P
Sooo I love your responses to the last post, thanks for reading please continue to share, like, and follow or not? But it would be nice if you could. Do I sound like am nagging? I really am not nagging just saying Like a sister's time consuming post once in a while huh?! Lol
Okay so I have the most interesting story to tell you guys about the whole stereotyping thing we talked about last time. As you know I am right now doing a ministry school in Capetown, South Africa in  "Knowing God to make Him known." 
So yesterday I officially finished the first half of the school which is lecture phase (basically you sit in a class and listen to lectures ;) and it has been amazing and a journey but that's a story for another day. On Saturday we will officially be starting the next par of the school which is outreach, where the students will go out into different nations to use what we have learned in the lecture phase to minister on the outreach. One of the awesome things is that we got to hear from the experiences of the students who just finished and came back from their outreaches, and the testimonies we heard were mouth dropping (whoops I mean jaw dropping lol) crazy! Healings and salvations which I am hoping to see on our outreach as well, but again that's a story for another day. What I wanted to share is actually about a couple I met in that team. 
They are both from Norway, the girl is nineteen, the guy is twenty two, and they are married!!! They are actually about to celebrate their one year anniversary! As in when I first heard that I was like whoooaaaa! How cool is that???? I love it because it is so against society's worldview. Like let's be honest here, a 19-actually 18 year old! GETTING MARRIED?? The first thought would be was she pregnant?? Or other stupid conclusons that we come up with and judge people for. Like they are not even mature enough to know if this is the right person or not. Or Christians shouldn't do that * Hello! they came to frikin outreach in Africa from Norway to do ministry because they have such a passion for God!*
Again I know that could probably be more accepted in the culture, but still I absolutely loved them because they are such a sweet couple when I asked Tonje (her name, pronounced Tanya I think) what she thought about marriage she was like, "It's the best thing ever, we are totally enjoying it" then her husband came in and said, "we recommend marriage to everyone." Before he looked at his beautiful wife and gave her a cheeky smile. 
Now I know you may say they are in their first year and in the honeymoon phase which will be over quicker because they got married younger, but think about it. They just dedicated the last six months to having God as their foundation, and that is why I think they are going to last! Because if He is your beginning, middle, and end it always, always, hear me ALWAYS lasts! *I just shared with you the secret to any relationship with yourself, family, friends, and love of your life* :P 
So what was my point again? 
Oh yeah.... Normal is overrated!
Ordinary is boring!
Life sucks when you have to live it by everyone else's do's and dont's 
Do not judge a cover by its book *you know what I mean*
And something Tonje told me was, "God's plan for everyone's story is different."
<3      (I will check with the couple if I can post a pic of them for you guys) 

1 comment:

  1. Woooohooo! So as you come back from SA prepare your bridesmaids dress...hehehehe! But thats soooo cool! As long as God is in the centre of it, true it will always work!!!
